How Can My Foundry Reduce Energy Consumption Without Losing Productivity?

Many metal-casters are used to using high amounts of energy and electrical power to boost productivity. Unfortunately, the more electrical power is used the higher your electrical power costs.

These high power costs can eat at the revenue stimulated by your metal-casting productivity. How can you reduce your foundry’s high electrical rates without sacrificing your profitable production?

You’ve Got The Power: How To Reduce Energy Consumption

Despite popular belief, you can reduce energy consumption in your foundry without sacrificing your productivity. In fact, you can do this may making modifications in just four different areas.

Here are the four major areas in your foundry where you can make reductions to energy cost without sacrificing productivity.

    1. Maximize the use of your equipment. One of the best ways you can reduce how much power your foundry is using is by using your equipment more effectively. Short holding times can improve the efficiency of your high melting equipment because longer holding times require more energy consumption.
    2. Make any necessary changes to your operating procedures. Another great way to reduce your foundry’s energy consumption is by replacing your current melting equipment. Give your foundry a thorough investigation to determine some of the best possible operational changes you can make to cut down on energy use. A few updates here and there may be all that your foundry needs to succeed.
    3. Boost your charging speed. Aside from long holding times, charging speed can also have a major impact on the use of your equipment. Long charging times caused by manual or magnetic crane charging can cause low equipment utilization. You want your charging to be done rapidly and efficiently using automated charging systems (unless your furnace is a bottleneck).
    4. Streamline your temperature measurement. When you check the temperature of your induction furnace regularly, you’re losing valuable time and wasting needed energy. By using a computerized melt control system, you can reduce the need to check the furnace’s temperature and you can keep your operator from undershooting or overshooting the target temperate.


Need A Precision Casting Business You Can Trust?

The frequencies used in induction melting can vary between 50 cycles per second to 10,000 cycles per second. Whether you’re looking for a used induction furnace for sale, refurbished equipment, or replacement parts, Amelt is the precision casting business for you. To learn more about our used inductotherm induction furnaces, contact Amelt today.