Inverters have many uses, and it’s a circuit to convert one DC voltage to another by INVERTING the input DC to AC, running thru a main transformer, rectifier, regulator to output the new DC voltage. A DC to AC power inverter, or inverter, is an electrical power converter that changes direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). The converted AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriate transformers, switching, and control circuits. Solid-state inverters have no moving parts and are used in a wide range of applications, from small switching power supplies in computers, to large electric utility high-voltage direct current applications that transport bulk power. Our collection of solid-state inverters are commonly used to supply AC power from DC sources such as solar panels or batteries. The DC to AC inverter performs the opposite function of a rectifier. The electrical inverter is a high-power electronic oscillator. It is so named because early mechanical AC to DC converters were made to work in reverse, and thus were "inverted", to convert DC to AC. If you have a high input going into the inverter it will have a low output and if you have a low input going into the inverter it will have a high output. The bottom line is its output is the opposite of the input. This power inverter board comes in half and full bridge types and can add to the bigger melting system up to 16 half bridge inverter.


This power inverter board is designed for insulating the output frequency pulses from Main control Board located in Melting system from the load(SCRs) for prevent of any surge and voltage and current feedback to main control board and also this board is able to filter any harsh and noises from Inverter section to the control.


INVERTER ON - Indicates that power is being supplied to the Induction coil. When indicator is flashing, this means that the auto start contact is open and that the inverter is in standby mode and ready to turn on when the auto start contact closes. MF READY - If this light should illuminate when the inverter is in Stop mode, it does not indicate a problem. If it illuminates while the inverter is running, there may be a problem inside the inverter or coil. Typically this indicates that there is a problem in the output of the Inverter. In this event, please contact AMELT Service. CURRENT LIMIT - Indicates that an impedance mismatch has occurred. This condition occurs when the load on the inverter is higher than it can deliver. When this occurs, the charges amount may need to be changed to deliver a lower voltage to the Induction coil. Note: If this light illuminates when the inverter is in ON mode, it does not indicate a problem. HIGH TEMP.- Indicates that the power Components inside the Power Supply are not receiving sufficient cooling. The inverter will shut down to prevent the unit from overheating. If this light illuminates, you should check the Internal Thermostats and or call AMELT Service. SCR TRIP - Indicates that a short circuit has occurred between the inverter and the coil. The inverter will shut down to protect the output circuits. If this light illuminates, you should call AMELT Service. UNDER VOLTAGE TRIP - Indicates that the supply voltage to the inverter has dropped. The inverter will shut down to prevent the inverter from drawing excessive current. Check the supply voltage. OVER VOLTAGE TRIP- Indicates that a voltage surge or other situation has caused an over-voltage condition within the inverter. The inverter will shut down to protect itself. CAPACITOR FAULT - When this light is illuminated, it indicates that a capacitors was detected which is not fully seated on the container or is not threaded evenly causing a fault condition. Refer to the Loose Cap Detector section in the manual for further information.

For more information regarding our electrical boards, including DC to AC power inverters, solid-state inverters and more, feel free to contact us. We’re happy to assist you with what you need. Thanks for choosing AMELT!




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